My Tree Book


Making my tree book was such a fun process! We started doing lots of akua inks, which is taking a small square of jeli pad and then putting a tiny glob of fancy paint and rolled them out with things called brayers. A brayer is pretty much a handle with a roller at the end, the purpose of using one is to spread the paint evenly throughout the jeli pad. Then we collected some leaves, flowers, and grass. We took the items we collected and laid them down on the gelli pad, after we took paper and put it directly on top of the gelli pad. We took the brayers and rolled over the paper. After a few rolls, the paper would be lifted and a beautiful design was revealed. We ended up using these prints as patterns or backgrounds for our books. The next step was to create the hard outside for the books. This step was called screen printing. The main idea of this step is taking a stencil and paint and dragging the paint from end to end of the stencil. When liffeted up front he mat board the words were on the front in vibrant colors. We built the books and then it was time to decorate. By cutting the prints from before and lots of glue, we came up with unique and beautiful collages. The last step that came a little later was adding envelopes to hold our writing pieces. But non of this would have been possible without Ms. Gignoux.  Thank you so much for all of the time and hard work you put into making our project possible. Go check Ms. Gignoux out on her website

Here are my writing pieces:



By Mathille Waters


          I would never be anywhere close to the person I am today without an army of people. First my parents. My mom and dad have always done what is best for me no matter what. They always put my sisters’ and my needs first instead of what they need. They do everything that is best for us. My parents work so hard to make me the happiest I can be, and I will always be thankful for that.


           Dad: My dad has jumped through hoops just to make my sisters and me happy. If anything is wrong, he is the first one to ask about it. My dad would do anything and everything to make me smile. He always knows just the right thing to say, and always makes jokes to cheer me up. He has set a great example on how to be kind, smart, and incredibly hard working. Thank you Dad.



          Mom: My mom has given up so much to have the family we have now, and I will never be able to thank her enough for that. She is always there even for me even when I think I don’t need it. My mom knows what is best, and even if I don’t like to admit it, she is always right. She finds the best out of the bad, and I am so incredibly lucky to have a mom like her. Thank you Mom.



       Sisters:  I have grown up with sisters for my whole life. From the moment I was born they had always been by my side and I am so grateful for them. They make me stronger, and hel me not take things so seriously. Both of them always try to make the best out of bad situations, and always try to make me laugh. Im am so thankful for them and hope they know how much I appreciate them. Thank you both.


Ms. Foote: Thank you so much  for always helping me and being someone I could come to if there was a problem. I am so grateful, and I don’t know what I would be today if she didn’t help me along the way. Any problem I have come across, she is always there. She understands the problems that I have gone through and helps me find my way out of them. She taught me so much over the years, from how to sound out words to how to be confident in myself. There is no way that I could ever thank her enough for everything that she has done for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


When This Is Over 

By Mathille Waters


When this is over I will appreciate the fun of

Going to football games and your team wins

Eating out at a restaurant

Going to the store and seeing someone you know

Flying in a plane 

An afternoon after school

Sports practices 

Meeting new people

Being able to take your mask off for longer than it takes to drink water

Going to birthday parties

Using water fountains after P.E.

Shopping in stores instead of online

Sunday night dinners with friends and family.

I miss all of the fun we used to have.


When this is over, remember 

The good things too,

I have gotten closer to my family

Found things I love to do

I have learned to be responsible for myself 

To make the right decisions

I have learned all of these things without knowing

Because the best was hidden as the worst

And for that, I’ll be forever grateful.


Branches, Reaching Toward the Sky

My Wish Tree

By: Mathille Waters


List of goals

  1. To do well in school

-If I get great grades in school I will get into a good college.

-I will have a good and sturdy career.

  1. Get into a good college

-I will be able to go far with a great education.

-Have good job options .

  1. Have a successful career 

-will enjoy whatever it is I am doing.

-not have to worry about money.

  1. Travel 

-it sounds like fun.

-the new experiences and trying new things. 

  1. Overcome my fears

-my fears will eventually get in the way of some of my goals.

-I will not be able to accomplish what I want to do if i don’t overcome what scares me.

  1. Help the world 

-I would like to give money to people that have a good use for it like hospitals or schools etc.

-and give money to charities that have good ideas on how to help the world.

  1. Be/stay healthy

-I hope that my family and I stay healthy because of the pandemic.

– and anything else that could get them sick.

  1. Have a nice house

-I will not have to worry about needing a place to stay.

-I can have a pool.

  1. Have a boat

– It would be so fun to have people on my boat.

-it sounds like fun. 

  1. Not have to worry about finances

-I mentioned this early but it will take away lots of stress.

– and if I am set financially I can help people and support my future family.


    My hopes for the world are very simple. 1. People need to start getting along. What I mean is that for people to help so many problems in this world, they need to put aside their differences and work together. 2. Find a solution to make everyone happy and try to end the pandemic. This sort of speaks for itself but we can’t really do much of anything to help the world if there is still a global pandemic around. 3. Help people without jobs or places to stay, have a plan on what they are doing in life, or give the access to the resources that they need to survive. 4. Find ways to help global warming and try to prevent it/put it off as long as possible. This is definitely easier said than done, but there is no reason we should just sit here and let it happen. 5. Lastly, after the pandemic ends, come together and help each other rebuild life the way it used to be instead of trying to do it all alone

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